Do you have an NDIS review coming up? The best way to ensure you are approved to receive funding for the support services you need is to show up to your review fully prepared.
At Therapy Care, we keep track of when our participants’ reviews are set to take place and beforehand, offer each participant increased support in order to prepare for a successful review.
To all participants facing reviews, we offer to conduct a Functional Assessments which features a Functional Independent Measure (FIM) assessment, which is an international standard used to assess motor and cognitive function. This comprehensive assessment is conducted by qualified therapists including exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, recreational therapists, and occupational therapists.
Natalie Delana, Therapy Care’s Allied Health Manager, says, “Functional reports are the best way of proactively advocating for participants and their support needs.”
“We look at support holistically and this is reflected in the reports we put forward as supporting material for NDIS reviews. A part of this means we look at everyday life and the life stage of not only the participant, but their carers. For instance, if a participant’s carer is aging, wanting to return to work or they have multiple dependents, we advocate for funding to increase support services for the participant,” says Natalie.
NDIS goals are also an important part of each Functional Report, and our therapists provide recommendations on the support each participant needs in order to achieve these goals.
If you have any questions about your upcoming NDIS review or want to find out more about Functional assessments, please contact us at: